Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Teen Suicide

Teen Suicide is becoming more and more common amongst America's youth. In a 2001 study, approximately 4,250 young people between the ages of 10-24 commited suicide. There is no definite answer as to why teens choose to end their life, however, there are a couple of contributing factors. Bullying, self-esteem issues, problems at home or school, abuse of illegal substances and sexual orientation, or traumatic events are some of the more recognized factors.
Suicide isn't something that teenagers just decide to do spontaneously, it is usually premeditated and triggered by the problems they are facing. It is preventable, and typically, teenagers almost send signals insinuating they have been thinking about taking their life or even planning it. Some of these warning signs are talking or joking about suicide, decline in academic or athletic performance, lack of interest in activities, depression, loss of appetite and/or sleep and preoccupation with death, such as writing about it or drawing images. The adolescent years can be very difficult and it's normal for teenagers to feel depressed and as if they're not taken seriously or heard. As teenagers, we can relate to our classmates and friends' issues in life. It's our responsibility to watch out for these warning and let our friends know they are not alone, and taking their lives is not the answer. Listen for comments your friends might make that are alerting, such as "Everyone would be better off If I wasn't here" or "I just want to die.."
If you feel you a friend might be thinking about commiting suicide, talk to them, step in and help them; get them in contact with Helplines, or school counselors. Even if they refuse, tell somebody. The difference between life and death could be in your hands.


  1. suicide is scary and i just feel that people who know that someone is about to comitt it should tell someone!

  2. most of my friends have tried, some, more than once. i know how scary this can be. however... even if you tell... you cant always prevent it...
